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Why the French Alps continue to attract an International buyer

Why the French Alps continue to attract an International buyer

The French Alps, with their breathtaking landscapes, charming villages and world-class infrastructure, continue to attract investors from around the world. For Europeans, acquiring a second home in this region offers a multitude of benefits, from financial opportunities to a better quality of life. Here are the reasons why investing in a property in the French Alps and for example in CHATEL, Portes du Soleil, is a wise decision.


1. A Year-Round Resort

Winter Activities: The French Alps are world-renowned for their premier ski resorts. The diversity of slopes and winter sports equipment attracts skiers and snowboarders of all levels, ensuring an active and enjoyable winter season. Châtel is part of the Portes du Soleil ski area, one of the largest interconnected ski areas in the world. With over 650 km of slopes, winter sports enthusiasts will find endless opportunities to ski, snowboard and enjoy the snow.

Summer Activities: In summer, the Alps transform into a paradise for lovers of the great outdoors, more and more numerous each year.....hikers, cyclists, climbers and water sports enthusiasts. Alpine lakes, well-marked hiking trails and cycling routes offer a multitude of options for enjoying nature and fresh air. The more adventurous will indulge in rafting, climbing, via ferrata, Fantasticâble in CHATEL. Without forgetting the numerous activities intended for families (aquatic center, farm workshops, nature trails, summer tobogganing, etc.). With the development of teleworking, many are also those who settle in the Alps for an extended stay and thus being able to enjoy the great outdoors and the quality of life while teleworking. For example, during the holidays, parents and children embark for several weeks in the mountains. During the week the children are busy in the activity club while the parents telework from their chalets before going for a short walk at the end of the afternoon to get some fresh air. Whether in summer or winter, the village of Châtel and the Portes du Soleil are very lively (concerts, shows, children's activities, tastings, the palette is varied to appeal to all generations)


2. A Solid Financial Investment

Real Estate Value Appreciation: The constant demand for properties in the Alps, combined with the limited availability of building land, guarantees a stable appreciation of real estate prices. Investments in Alpine real estate tend to appreciate well over time, providing inflation protection and long-term capital gains. A tangible heritage which is well valued and which is easily transmitted to children. Châtel, although less known than some of its more famous neighbors, sees its property prices rise regularly. Investing in resort property represents an opportunity to realize long-term capital gains through property appreciation.

Rental Income: Owning a second home in the Alps also allows you to generate significant rental income. The popularity of the Alps as a vacation destination guarantees a high rental rate. By renting out their property, owners can generate a substantial income which will, among other things, cover maintenance and operating costs.                                                                                                                                                                                                Tax Advantages: The government has put in place various tax incentives to encourage furnished rentals to vacationers and thus combat the phenomenon of “cold beds”. This is what we commonly call second homes which are only occupied for a few weeks a year and closed the rest of the time. Putting quality furnished properties on the tourist rental market makes it possible to attract customers who will come to consume in the resort and therefore participate in and maintain the economic growth of the destination. Under certain conditions, the owner who rents out his property will be able to benefit from the recovery of VAT (20% of the purchase price which is directly reimbursed by the state). In addition, the income generated by rental is not taxed thanks to a mechanism of depreciation and deduction of a certain number of charges. Finally, by purchasing a new apartment or chalet in CHATEL, the owner benefits from an exemption from property tax for 2 years. But also benefit from the recovery of VAT according to the various tax incentives put in place by the government.


3. Improved Quality of Life

Healthy Environment: The Alps offer a healthy and peaceful living environment, far from the stress of big cities. Clean air, spectacular scenery and plenty of outdoor activities contribute to better physical and mental health.

Wellness and Relaxation: Alpine resorts such as Châtel offer wellness amenities such as spas, fitness centers and gourmet restaurants. These facilities allow residents to unwind and enjoy moments of luxury and relaxation after an active day.


4. Accessibility and Infrastructure

Ease of Access: The French Alps and in particular Châtel are easily accessible from the main European cities. aGeneva airport is just 1.5 hours away, making travel easier for international visitors. Additionally, road and rail connections allow convenient access from France, Switzerland and other European countries.
Modern Infrastructure: Ski resorts and Alpine villages such as CHATEL benefit from modern infrastructure, including state-of-the-art ski lifts, well-maintained roads and reliable Internet connectivity (Fiber Optic). These facilities ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay.

5. Cultural and Community Wealth

Cultural Heritage: The French Alps are rich in history and culture. Alpine villages retain centuries-old traditions, with festivals, local markets and cultural events that offer an authentic insight into Alpine life. The Village of Châtel has particularly managed to preserve its authentic mountain village charm. The wooden chalets, historic churches and picturesque streets offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere, far from the hustle and bustle of the big tourist resorts.


Welcoming Community: The local community is warm and welcoming, providing a sense of belonging to new owners. Participating in local life, whether through sports clubs, associations or community events, enriches the experience of living in the Alps.



6. Commitment to Sustainable Development

Ecological Tourism: Many Alpine resorts engage in sustainable tourism practices, seeking to minimize their environmental impact. This includes the use of renewable energy, sustainable management of natural resources and the promotion of ecological transport.

Ecological Certifications: Some resorts in the Alps, such as Châtel, benefit from ecological certifications, such as the Flocon Vert label, attesting to their commitment to the sustainability of mountain tourist destinations. These initiatives attract environmentally conscious buyers.





Acquiring a second home in the French Alps represents a unique opportunity to benefit from a solid financial investment while improving your quality of life. The diversity of activities, the stability of the real estate market, easy access, and the commitment to sustainable development make the French Alps an ideal destination for a second home. For Europeans looking to combine pleasure, investment and well-being, the French Alps are an essential choice.


Now that you have an idea of ​​the attractiveness of the French Alps, let yourself be accompanied on this great adventure! Do not hesitate to contact the EVEREST team to tell us about your project for purchasing a new apartment or new chalet. Whether to invest in CHATEL or for a second home in CHATEL and the Portes du Soleil, discover the properties for sale in the Alps, on our Collection page.


#Buy in CHATEL  #Portes du Soleil  #property CHATEL  #Investment CHATEL #New build chalets and apartments   #new build programs french alps


Les Avantages d’Investir dans un Appartement Neuf ou un Chalet Neuf à Châtel dans les Alpes

Investir dans un appartement neuf ou un chalet neuf à Châtel, situé dans le domaine des Portes du Soleil, offre de nombreux avantages pour les Européens. Que ce soit pour une résidence secondaire ou pour un investissement locatif, Châtel se distingue par son charme authentique, ses infrastructures modernes et ses opportunités économiques attractives. Découvrez pourquoi investir dans les Alpes à Châtel est une décision judicieuse.

1. Un Emplacement de Choix au Cœur des Alpes

Situation Géographique Idéale : Châtel se trouve dans les Alpes françaises, au sein du domaine skiable des Portes du Soleil, l’un des plus grands d’Europe avec 650 km de pistes. Cette localisation exceptionnelle permet aux résidents de profiter de toutes les activités de montagne en hiver comme en été.

Accessibilité : Châtel est facilement accessible depuis les grandes villes européennes. L’aéroport international de Genève est à seulement 1h30 de route, facilitant les voyages pour les propriétaires et les locataires potentiels. Les bonnes connexions routières et ferroviaires rendent également Châtel accessible depuis la France, la Suisse et d'autres pays européens.

2. Investissements Rentables et Pérennes

Appartements et Chalets Neufs : Investir dans un appartement neuf ou un chalet neuf à Châtel offre des garanties de qualité et de durabilité. Les constructions récentes répondent aux normes les plus strictes en matière d’isolation, de sécurité et de confort, assurant ainsi une valorisation optimale de l’investissement.

Potentiel de Valorisation : Le marché immobilier à Châtel est en pleine expansion, avec une demande croissante pour des résidences secondaires. Cette tendance assure une appréciation continue des biens immobiliers, garantissant des gains en capital à long terme pour les investisseurs.

Revenus Locatifs : Grâce à la forte attractivité touristique de Châtel, les propriétaires peuvent tirer des revenus locatifs substantiels, surtout en haute saison. Louer son appartement ou chalet neuf pendant les vacances d’hiver et d’été permet de rentabiliser rapidement son investissement.

3. Un Cadre de Vie Exceptionnel

Qualité de Vie : Vivre à Châtel offre un cadre de vie sain et revitalisant. L’air pur des montagnes, les paysages à couper le souffle et les nombreuses activités de plein air contribuent à une meilleure qualité de vie. Les résidents peuvent pratiquer le ski, la randonnée, le VTT, et bien d’autres activités en toute saison.

Équipements et Services : Châtel dispose d’infrastructures modernes et de haute qualité, incluant des remontées mécaniques récentes, des services de santé excellents, et une bonne connectivité Internet. Les commerces, restaurants et spas locaux offrent tout le confort nécessaire pour un séjour agréable.

4. Un Engagement en Faveur de la Durabilité

Tourisme Durable : Châtel s'engage activement dans des pratiques de tourisme durable. L’utilisation d’énergies renouvelables, la gestion durable des ressources naturelles et la promotion de la mobilité douce sont des priorités pour la station.

Certifications Écologiques : Les nouvelles constructions à Châtel respectent souvent des normes écologiques rigoureuses, attirant ainsi des acheteurs soucieux de l'environnement. Les labels et certifications écologiques renforcent l’attrait des biens immobiliers et assurent un investissement responsable.

5. Un Village Authentique avec une Richesse Culturelle

Ambiance Authentique : Châtel a su préserver son charme de village alpin traditionnel. Les chalets en bois, les églises historiques et les rues pittoresques créent une ambiance conviviale et authentique, offrant une expérience unique à chaque séjour.

Vie Culturelle Dynamique : La vie à Châtel est rythmée par des festivals, des événements culturels et des marchés locaux qui mettent en avant les traditions savoyardes. Ces activités enrichissent le quotidien des résidents et des visiteurs, créant un lien fort avec la culture locale.


Investir dans un appartement neuf ou un chalet neuf à Châtel, dans les Alpes, présente de nombreux avantages pour les Européens. De la qualité de vie exceptionnelle à la rentabilité de l’investissement, en passant par l’engagement écologique et la richesse culturelle, Châtel se révèle être une destination idéale pour une résidence secondaire. Situé au cœur des Portes du Soleil, ce village alpin offre un cadre de vie sain et dynamique, parfait pour profiter de tous les bienfaits de la montagne tout au long de l'année.